Developing High Performance Athletes requires a vehicle that can deliver the foundation and support necessary for achieving goals

High Performance Support

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Developing High Performance Athletes requires a vehicle that can deliver the support for athletes to achieve their goals.

We excel in providing the support structure and management structure for high-performance ski racing camps around the globe. Our committed and focused coaching staff is at the forefront of orchestrating and delivering some of the best camps anywhere in the world. We consistently bring top-level experience for our athletes, clubs and partners.

FIS Programming and Coach Support
High Performance Camp Development Programs for Clubs
Access to High Performance Coaching

Launching in Spring 2026

Thank you for your interest in our Catalyst High Performance Support Services! To help us provide you with the most relevant information, please fill out the form below:

If you want to speak with us about Catalyst High-Performance Support Service, please feel free to connect with us for more insight and information on the direction we are going to be providing support to your club programs for high-Performance Athlete Development.